Friday 26 April 2013

new shopfront

hello all were back here again after a long while blogging away !! we have lots happening with the coming year. were having a new shop front which will look amazing and this is the start of our revitilising programme with the salon will keep you posted on latest developements

Friday 16 July 2010

new dawn new day

up early this morning gareth is off to do the weddings and im packing today ...were off to york no rest for the wicked ......
evening all have had a very busy day in the salon started the day with a strong coffee and a quick flick through hello magazine then the clients started to arrive at 8.30 and we havent moved from the stylist chair till 6.30 tonight so we are just about to have a little wine before getting ready for weddings tomorrow hope the weather is better for my blushing brides ......

Thursday 15 July 2010

morning all
well welcome to our new blog where we will keep you up to date with the latest fashions and tell you all about our working day in the salon.